Researchers have access to facilities for samples’ synthesis, characterization, calorimetry and sintering measurements within the Peter A. Rock Thermochemistry Facility; the Nanoceramics Thermochemistry Laboratory (both directed by the Ricardo Castro) and adjacent labs.
The following equipment are available for synthesis of nanoparticles: high/low temperature furnaces with and without controlled atmosphere, a hydrothermal synthesis bench, balances, gas flow systems, and other ancillary equipment, 4 glove boxes for air and moisture sensitive samples, wet-chemical lab.
For both compositionally and structurally characterization, the lab is equipped with: A Bruker D8 Advance x-ray diffractometer with a variety of interchangeable components, including a heating stage setup. A PANalytical X’Pert Pro XRD for low angle analysis. A wide range of software for processing and analyzing diffraction data, (JADE, TOPAS3, EVA, WINDIF, GSAS, and others), and major crystallographic databases (PDF, ICSD, and CCDC) are available. The lab is also equipped with one XRF system for composition analysis Rigaku Supermini200. For surface analysis, we have a Micromeritics ASAP2020 gas sorption analyzers for determining surface area, porosity, pore size and pore distributions of nanomaterials; one 3-Flex gas sorption system attached to a Setaram Sensys Evo calorimeter (for surface reactivity measurements).
For the measurements of surface energies and bulk energies we will use high sensitivity drop solution calorimeters (4 Calvet-type, high temperature, custom-built, calorimeters for solution and reaction calorimetry at 700° to 800° C). We will also use the Netzch Pegasus F1 Differential Scanning Calorimeter located in our lab.
The group also has access to analytical equipment at the Materials Science facilities, AMCat (at nominal hourly cost) that include: FEI XL30-SFEG, high resolution, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM); JEOL JEM 2100F-AC TEM; Kratos Supra Axis XPS; Thermo Fisher Quattro S Environmental SEM.
Whenever necessary, access to synchrotron and neutron diffractometers can be arranged at several national facilities. UC Davis Glass Shop, Machine Shops, Electronics Shops and Computer Support Group are also available at nominal hourly cost.